I can't take credit for this idea. I got it from someone on the waldorfcurriculum-supplies yahoo group. They were selling one similar to this. I again just made up my own way of making this because I loved the idea so much. We've never done an advent wreath before but I thought it was a great way to bring the Christmas season back to the basics and Christ centered. If you aren't familiar with the significance and tradition of the advent wreath, there are some great resources online. Wikipedia has a lot of info. I like to use what I have on hand so my felting is not "conventional" I'm sure. I started with some cotton batting that I had on hand. I cut it in a rectangle shape and rolled it up. I then wrapped it with green roving, needled it a bit and then sewed the ends together. Then I added red roving, needled it, made a felt bow and needle it on. Then I added a candle. The advent wreath will have either 4 or 5 candles, depending on if you put the candle in the center on Christmas. The colors vary. Catholics use 3 Purple to symbolize "royalty" and 1 rose candle "joy" and protestents typically use 4 blue to sybolize "hope". I had some purple and blue roving on hand so the kids and I thought it was the perfect blend symbolizing both royalty and hope... beautiful symbols of this season. I used some orangy colored roving for the flame. The candle was easy. You just roll it in a cylinder shape and needle it. (Here's a tip... the tighter you wrap the roving, the less needling you will have to do because more air will be pushed out.)

The first candle is the Prophet candle and represents Isaiah's (and other prophets) prophecy of the coming of the messiah. Daddy read some scripture from the bible and we talked about the prophecy of Christ and put on the first candle. It was a very nice way to bring Christ back to the center of our Christmas when there is so much commercialism this time of year. I hope you enjoy this and are inspired to bring the season back "home" and unite your families in the joy and meaning of the season. Some of you viewing this may celebrate this season a little differently and I hope this still inspires you to start a tradition of hope and light in your homes for this blessed time of year!
this is a wonderful way to bring the children into Advent. bravo for your work on the wreath!
Your advent wreath is beautiful! Glad you are having such fun and tying in your own traditions :D Thanks for sharing!
How nice to make your own Advent wreath!
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