Friday, June 18, 2010

It's personal

I feel like getting a little personal today in my blog. These pages have been a little quiet over the last few months because I've finally found a place of peace in God. I guess it's always been there but never this strong. I'm excited to open my Bible and discover the truths of His word. God has given me a passion for studying the Old Testament. I used to think it was dry and boring. Now I see how full of adventure it is. It's amazing how different life looks when you are walking with God. Everything is so beautiful and glorious and there is this reassurance that you can let go and trust Him. I've always thought that when people talked about God's will for their lives that they were not really taking responsibility for their own lives. After all God wants us to make our own choices. That's what free-will is all about right? Is it? What if there is a perfect will for all of us but we are so busy in our everyday lives that we don't hear it. We just go about our day to day tasks hoping for something better, hoping for more time with our family, hoping for that much needed vacation:). I decided to slow down and listen 3 months ago and wow. God has revealed so much to me and to my husband. We are new people. We are ready to follow His will whatever that may be. We are ready to serve Him where He wants. Even if it's just in our normal day to day lives. You see, just because you choose to follow the will of God doesn't always mean that you need to "go" anywhere. Maybe the change is just a state of mind. Maybe His will is a heart change. Or maybe it is a change of location. Whatever the change is for us. I'm ready for it. God had already placed a need in my family to simplify. Less stuff=less work= more time. We've already started purging. It's amazing how much you accumulate with three kids!
I'm excited about this journey and felt that I needed to share with my blog followers and friends and family. Thanks for listening and stay tuned for more on this journey! (and more family stuff of course)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

It's funny how so many families in all parts of the world are being tugged to do the same thing " SIMPLIFY". I have been tearing my house apart, trying to sell everything that does not have a purpose.
Also, we feel the need to become sustainable!for many reasons. We have 3 children ages 6,5 and 2 and we want to make sure we can provide for them if for some reason the trucks were not able to deliver to the local grocery store ( i'm not saying that I think that is going to happen, but it could) The biggest challenge for us has been to stay still and quiet enough to hear His voice and Brave enough to listen when we do. I think that if we can do those two things, HE will do the rest! Brooke

Shelly said...

Yes He will. Sustainability has been on our hearts as well. It's wonderful when you get on the other side of simplicity. We were in your shoes a little over a year ago and I can't imagine my life cluttered with "stuff" anymore. We have so much more time to devote to other things, family, kids, God and our community. It really is wonderful. We want to simplify even more:). Good luck to you. You won't regret it!

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