Thursday, July 15, 2010

Atelier Art Curriculum

The top photo is Yaya's (age4) shape monster; the bottom is P-nut's (age 8)

Yaya's potato print indian. I helped with the stripes on the blanket. Everything else she did all by herself.

P-Nut's potato print Indian.

We LOVE Atelier! This is a wonderful homeschool art curriculum. The projects are fun and the kids create quality works of art. With the video demonstration it is also very simple for the parent who is not an artist per se (i.e. me). The curriculum also includes sample pieces from famous artists with bios. There are also some literature based projects with stories included. Here are just a few examples of my children's artwork although there are many more. We can't wait to start the next unit in the fall!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Renaissance Festival

I'm a little behind on the blog. These photos were from a few months ago. We went to the Renaissance Festival with some of our BEST friends and had a blast. As soon as we walked in they picked us to be Grand Marshalls in the parade. The kids had so much fun marching and waving at everyone. Then they sent us on a type of scavenger hunt to look for clues to a mystery of love. It was a day my kids will remember. They felt very special!

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