Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Relaxing in the shade. Yaya collecting shells
Relaxing in the shade! Yaya collecting shells

P-Nut and Yaya painting the day away. We experimented with red, yellow and blue to make all the colors of the rainbow (much more fun than memorizing the color wheel:)).

P-Nut and Yaya painting the day away. We experimented with red, yellow and blue to make all the colors of the rainbow (much more fun than memorizing the color wheel:)).

The prominence of exotic pet trade in Florida has led to an established population of iguanas in South Florida.

The prominence of exotic pet trade in Florida has led to an established population of iguanas in South Florida.

P-Nut trying to catch some critters

P-Nut trying to catch some critters

Wow! We had such a busy week. This is just a sampling of our activities. P-Nut and Yaya are learning so much! We spent the beginning of our week learning about Saints, painting and form drawing (P-Nut's favorite activity). On Thursday we headed down to Virginia Key Beach to explore the Ocean Life. We caught a Blue Crab, baby iguana and learned about some interesting plants.

Female Blue Crab- females have "painted" red claws. The orange "blob" on top of this crab are eggs. Pregnant" female blue crabs carry fertilized eggs under their abdomen. From a distance these eggs resemble a sponge, hence they are termed "sponge" crabs. It takes about two weeks for the eggs to "ripen" and be released into the water to hatch. "]


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